Hello! I am Mrs. Swaldo and I am the licensed school counselor serving grades 6, 7, 8 at Indian Valley Middle School. The primary role of a middle school counselor is to provide individual counseling, support & resources to all students and families. I also set up class schedules for students, and work hard to insure a smooth transition into middle school (and also into high school). Additionally, I coordinate Ohio State Testing, collaborate and consult with staff and parents, conduct group counseling, coordinate Social Emotional Learning and lead the Strengths Leadership Team. I work closely with our other IV buildings in promoting healthy transitions and continuity of care for all students. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me for assistance.
Confidentiality I adhere to and follow the professional ethical standards created by the American School Counselor Association. The ethical standards can be found on the ASCA website at http://www.schoolcounselor.org. There are exceptions to confidentiality such as suspected child abuse, suicide ideation, or possible harm to others. In addition to these, other situations may arise that I feel may warrant a breach in confidentiality.